Weird stuff the President of the United States has done.


I ceased to record the crazy things he said cause most of it was related to Covid and led to the death of hundreds of thousands of people.  However, as it is clear that he is running again, it might be time to restart it as reports keep coming out from past officials, he's campaigning again and back to twitter soon.

May 2022
Claimed he finished putting a wall up the entire border
Wanted to give himself a Congressional Medal of Honor 

This is by no means an exhaustive list.

March  2020

February 2020

January 2020

December 2019
Attends NATO conference, instead of impeachment hearing, where he announces we will no longer defend NATO allies (Section 5) if they are attacked unless they are fully paid up.  Should note the only time Section 5 was invoked was when the US was attacked on 9-11

  • Accuses PM Trudeau of removing his cameo from Home Alone 2.  It was removed in 2014.  
  • Claims he's had the best stock market ever - not surprisingly untrue.

November 2019

  • Grabs Kurt Suzuki's boobs 
  • Leads Veterans Day parade (After tweeting
  • "Happy Veterans Day") speaking behind bulletproof glass, claiming to be the the first POTUS to attend the parade.
  • Invents the word investigared.  
  • The KY governor Trump campaigns for loses to a Dem, but Trump still claims victory.  Also claims victory for the Gov in MS winning by a 6 point margin.  The last gubernatorial race in MS had the Republican candidate win by 34 pts.
  • Puts pictures of himself in tweets thanking armed service divisions. Here  here 
  • Gets fined $2M for using funds raised for vets for his own purposes. 
  • "You can shoot me, but you'll have to kill us all...or something." - DJT at Veterans Day parade
  • Wonders why the Centennial Coin commemorating the 100th anniversary of Woman's Suffrage has gotten issued  now, after waiting years and years, then says its because of him being president that its finally issued. 
  • Claims there are no more troops in Syria; there are. 
  • Claims Yovanovitch was recalled because she didn't hang his picture up at the embassy.
  • Calls Nancy Pelosi crazy as a bedbug -in same call claims he wants corruption, and claims to be saving a lot of money by canceling his NYT and WP subscriptions, though he still tweets about what they publish
  • Pardons war criminals and inserts himself into military disciplinary actions causing the Naval Secretary to resign. 
  • Posts a picture of his head on Rocky's body (I think its Rocky). 
  • Claims for the 19th time that he has 95% approval rating among republicans, of course a record, of course he's lying. 
  • Turns out he knew about the whistleblower complaint well before he released aid and only released it because it was going public. 

October 2019 (having trouble keeping up)
  • Congratulates China on their becoming communist 70 years ago.
  • Uses "Photograph" song by Nickleback in a tweet, which is promptly removed by Twitter to avoid a copyright suit.    
  • Calls the impeachment inquiry a coup.  
  • Threatens Schiff with treason charge, again
  • Completely unhinged in front of President of Finland
  • Story breaks that Trump wanted a "moot" filled with snakes and alligators, and put skin piercing spikes on the top of the fence.  Also that he wanted to shoot migrants who threw rocks, and when told he couldn't, he said they should shoot them in the legs to slow them down.  He denied only the moot part.  
  • Admits again that he requested that Ukraine look into Biden, then asked China to do it too.
  • Confuses outrages with outrageous.  
  • Cedes Northern Syria to Turkey despite the Kurds fighting on our behalf
  • Claims to have "unmatched wisdom" and would "destroy and obliterate" the economy of Turkey.  
  • Accuses Pelosi of treason now...still no idea what treason means
  • Brags about paying farmers $28B, forgetting that his tariffs the rest of us pay are why they are paid that $28B.  Still doesn't understand how tariffs work. 
  • Claims the Kurds didn't help us in WWII.turns out they did.
  • When I took over our military, we did not have ammunition,” Trump said. “I was told by a top general, maybe the top of them all, ‘Sir, I’m sorry sir, we don’t have ammunition.’
  • Claims ISIS 100% defeated, as an ISIS car bomb goes off in Northern Syria killing three
  • Steve Kerr "chocked"...
  • Announces big political fest to be held at....Trump Doral.  Just another way to bilk his followers/donors.
  • Blasts Fox news and says their polling "sucks"  Sends his AG Barr to Rupert Murdochs house and next day Shep Smith is fired. (ahem...leaves abruptly). And the pollster announces it misrepresented the impeachment poll
  •   Blames California's pollution regulations for them having high fuel prices - that expensive cars aren't getting it done.  Tweet makes no sense as higher priced, fuel efficient cars would cause demand to drop and fuel prices to go down.  This Wharton grad has no sense of economics. 
  • Demands the impeachment of Adam Schiff...unaware that House members don't get impeached and that the Democratic majority wouldn't do it if they could.  
  • Claims Turkey supplies the steel for the F35, but he himself instituted a block on that because Turkey was adopting a Russian defense system that wouldn't require American weapons.
  • Falsely claims most of 10,000 ISIS fighters in N Syrian prisons are from Europe.
  • Retweeted a lie from GOP Chair Rona McDaniel that household incomes are rising faster than they did under Obama.
  • Incessantly claims that Schiff wrote the whistle blower complaint 
  • Imitates Peter Strzok having an orgasm at a campaign event
  • Releases a violent video of a fake Trump shooting up a church full of his adversaries. 
  • Claims Kurds aren't really good fighters without our help, and that they are safer now. 
  • Christie Whitman a likens Trump to Hitler, doubles down
  • Trump announces its a great day for civilization...thinking he cleaned up his own mess
  • Pelosi tells Trump the House overwhelmingly voted to reverse course in Syria...Trump melts down, uses same insult against Nancy that she did to him.  
  • Trump sends childish letter to Erdogan...Erdogan tosses it in trash.
  • Trump admits the peace deal lasted not even a day, but they will try again. Says the Kurds like the agreement, which requires them to give up everything and cede their homes to Turkey.
  • Russia moves into our bases in Syria, and mock us.
  • Chief of Staff Mulvaney admits that aid was held up for investigation of democrats.
  • Rick Perry resigns after Trump throws him under the bus for the Ukraine call.
  • Trump announces the 2020 G7 will be held at his hotel in June. My guess is that the rooms won't be for free. 
  • Two days later announces that the G7 will not be held at the Doral due to crazed and irrational hostility
  • Trump admits he hasn't let go of his businesses as he would host the Doral visit at no cost to the US. Mulvaney confirms Trump still sees himself in the hospitality business.  
  • Trump calls his Sec of Defense Esperanto, instead of Esper.
  • Trump unhinged press conference of 10-21
    • Claims we never agreed to protect the Kurds (we did, but not for life)
    • Claims people have been trying to make "This deal for years" when it comes to the "Deal" that was made between Turkey and the Kurds.
    • Claims Turkey and the Kurds have been fighting for 300 years (Turkey hasn't been around that long and the current hostilities started in the 1970's)
    • Claims Dems are vicious and stick together (they couldn't be softer and more divided as a party)
    • Claims repeatedly the Ukraine investigation was about a letter that was perfect (it was about a phone call.
    • Claims the IG didn't ask for the letter....he would have declassified it.
    • Suggests the informant is Schiff (he's not) 
    • Asks why Schiff didn't say he met with the WB (he didn't meet with WB)
    • Claims record crowd at American Airlines Center in Dallas (holds 20,000, the arena announced 18,500)
    • Claims largest cheer in Dallas was we were bringing the soldiers back home (we aren't, instead they are going to Saudi Arabia and Iraq) We now have more soldiers in the Middle East than when Trump took office.  
    • Claims he goes to Dover AFB to meet with the families of fallen soldiers.  (He's done this twice :2/1/17 and 1/19/19) and Walter Reed (he goes for his physicals).
    • Claims no one ever reports that he gives away his salary (they do)
    • Claims no other President has given away their salary. Then says Washington did.  (Neither claim is correct, Washington took the mandated salary, Hoover and JFK donated theirs). 
    • Trump calls the emoluments clause in the Constitution "phony".  
    • In the same statement, he argues that Obama made money while in office by signing a Netflix deal (he didn't) and 
    • that George Washington ran his business while President (he did, but it was a single plantation that grew corn, wheat and hemp/flax and didn't benefit from federal, state or foreign governments.) 
    • Also in the same presser he claims to have put his assets into a trust (he hasn't),
    • and that he didn't have to do that (legally, true, but even Jimmy Carter put his peanut farm into a blind trust).
    • and that the Doral has been one of the most successful properties (it's not )
    • That he is masterful at real estate and will prove when he releases his financials at the right time
    • Claims MIA is one of the biggest ("some people say its the biggest") airports in the world (it's not)
    • Claims he get the most promotion of every human being that's ever lived
    • Estimates he's lost $2B-$5B  by being President (has no evidence of this, but if he did, just proves how bad of a business person he is)
    • Claims he never has had an empty seat at a rally. (while his attendance is impressive, this is clearly not the case as evidenced by this photo)
    • Say's he has his best polls now.  (RCP has his approval average at 55% disapprove to 42% approve, clearly not the best)
    • Restates that he likes Kim Jong Un. 
    • Claims Obama tried to call Kim 11 times (this has been debunked for a while)
    • Claims the stock market has had a record high at least 100 times (same for Obama though, and there has been no gain in the stocks over the past 22 months as the market today is about the same level it was on Jan 26, 2018)
  • When corrected that is not the first time a woman spacewalked, he gives the camera the finger. 
  • Trump claims victory in northern Syria, lifts sanctions against Turkey as we flee and Russia/Turkey takes over the area vowing to mow down any Kurds that get in their way. We do leave behind 200 troops to guard the oil fields (that don't belong to us).  
  • Trump announces he's building a wall in Colorado
  • Has press conference on the killing of Al-Badghadi in which have just congratulated the troops, our allies and bragged a smidge.  Instead, he:
    • Thanks Russia before our troops and the Kurds
    • Claims what he watched was like a movie 
    • Compared his internet skills to those of ISIS, but admits he is better
    • Makes up narrative that Al-Baghdadi was whimpering like a dog (there was no video of Bagdhadi in the tunnel and no audio AT ALL
    • Claims taking down Al-Bagdhadi (who never attacked the US) is bigger than taking down Bin Laden (who killed 3,000+ US citizens and caused the Afghanistan and Iraq war killing 4,000 of our troops and 100,000 Afghani and Iraqi soldiers, displacing millions.  
    • Admits that we are going to "secure" aka "steal" Syria's oil.  
  • Gets booed at the World Series
  • Takes staged photo with Generals and staff upon word that Al-Bagdhadi blew himself up
  • Refers to Pres Zelesnky of Ukraine as Russian President. 
  • Tweets a photoshopped picture of him giving a dog a medal  

September 2019
  • Tweeted that he invited the Taliban to Camp David around 9-11 anniversary
  • 9-1 Tweeted and announced Alabama was in the path of Dorian,  uses 8/28 spaghetti model map to justify it, then drew a fake NHC map.  Keeps bringing up his mistake for 5 days following it, desperately trying to find someone to back him when he finally gets someone at NOAA to chastise Birmingham NWS for saying it wouldn't hit AL.  Cites outdated forecast maps.  Cites outdated preparations by the AL National Guard (who on the 29th said it wasn't hitting AL), retweets NHC updates between 8/28 and 9/1 that clearly state its not hitting AL
  • Had the VP stay 200 miles away from a meeting at his resort in Ireland to enrich himself
  • Had the Air Force book layovers at his resort in Scotland to enrich himself
  • Accused Mark Sanford of dating a Flaming Dancer
  • Endorsed Pirro's new book
  • Took credit personally for sending aid to the Bahamas
  • Claims China paying the tariffs (still)
  •  Pushes the Fed for negative interest rates 
  • Story breaks that the US had to extract top spy in Russia out of fear Trump would blow (his?) cover 
  • Blocks Bahamian refugees from arriving in FL. 
  • Fired his third National Security Advisor in less than 3 years (not so much crazy, until you consider we don't have a confirmed Secretary of Defense or confirmed Secretary of Homeland Security), as part of the fallout about inviting the Taliban to the US.  Bolton claims he quit first.
  • Attempts to bully Fed into making negative interest rates so we can renegotiate our debt (again)
  • Tweets a weird picture of him and Melania in memory of 9-11
  • She's (Melania) got a son...together.... huh? 
  • Brags again how he helped at Ground Zero
  • Will ban Juuls after 6 deaths
  • Wants an investigation into Obama's Netflix deal
  • Encourages Kavanaugh to file a liable suit.  
  • Tweets he's a very stable genius, then tweets "Make America Great Again" and immediately after "Keep America Great".
  • Takes a survey at a rally if "Made in America or Made in the USA" (USA won)
  • Blames LED lighting for his orange skin tone (perhaps jokingly?)
  • Gives Mariano Rivera a Presidential Medal of Freedom - says he played in 1955
  • Regarding the whistleblower complaint, he asks if people are dumb enough to believe he would have improper communications in heavily populated call, to which Anderson Cooper rolls out the list of times he has.
  • Trump signs wall with Sharpie, claims it can't be climbed and proceeds to blurt out secret technologies about the wall and is shut down by Army engineer.  See above bullet and add to Coopers list.  Says you can fry an egg on the wall.  Videos pop up all over of people climbing the wall.  
  • Whistleblower complaint alleges POTUS made promises to a foreign leader which were disturbing.  Speculation is that it involves the Ukraine investigating Joe Biden's son.  Guiliani, the President's personal lawyer, admits he pressured Ukraine to investigate.  Turns out Biden's son was never suspected of any wrongdoing.  Biden did pressure Ukraine to fire its top prosecutor, but that was because of the prosecutors blatant disregard of corruption. Meanwhile the WSJ then reports that Trump himself pressured Ukraine to investigate Biden, at least 8 times.  Coincidentally, for now, Trump was witholding military aid from Ukraine as it continues to fight against Russian occupation.  
  • Tweets how the Fake News makes up facts....while he makes up facts.  
  • Revokes California's ability to regulate emissions in its state.  Clearly a states rights issue which Republicans are staying silent on.  
  • Praises Corey Lewandowksi, who finally admitted that Trump told him to fire Mueller.  Corey also admitted that he routinely lies to the media. 
  • Trump tweets that its Fake News that he said that he'd meet Iran with no preconditions.  Media dutifully plays all the times he, or his staff, said that he'd meet with Iran with no preconditions.  Late show (at 5:35) demonstrates this nicely. 
  • Releases memo implicating himself in arms for dirt on Biden/DNC deal with Ukraine
  • Suggests that the whistle-blower or who gave the whistle-blower info should be executed.
  • Says he withheld Ukraine aid due to corruption concerns, but then says it was about EU not doing enough.  Both demonstrably false.
  • Criticizes CNN for saying he spelled little wrong (he spelled it liddle' on purpose) but in the process confuses an apostrophe for a hyphen and spells describing wrong.
  • Claims that since a reporter married a Trump hater, he shouldn't be allowed to write for the NYT, ignoring the whole point of 1A.  
  • Says Schiff made up his conversation with Ukraine.  Schiff read the memo Trump provided.  Trump should release the transcript. 
  • Threatens Schiff with treason charges
  • Tweets how a Civil War will start if he's impeached
  • Tweets about a Federalist article claiming that the rules were changed regarding hearsay, forcing the IGIC to do a press release debunking it.
  • Retweets a parody account which substitutes sharks for some other words. 
  • Accuses Shiff of treason, implying he should be executed. Has no idea what treason means. 
  • Posts Breitbart poll showing that 97.83% of Americans support him. 

August 2019
  • Fires personal assistant for saying that she has better relationship with Ivanka and that he doesn't want to take a photo with Tiffany cause she's fat.  Reaffirms his love for Tiffany.
  • Tweets out classified photo of Iranian missile site
  • Established Space Command
  • Railed against James Comey for days
  • Told his aides that he would pardon them if they got in trouble for diverting funds for his wall
  • Claimed he was the best thing that ever happened to Puerto Rico
  • Denied there were bedbugs at the Doral (settled lawsuit about it)
  • Tried to get the next G7 at the Doral
  • Story broke he wants to nuke hurricanes
  • Tweeted about how he was the King of Israel, Greatest President for Jews and Israel in history
  • Looked to the sky and called himself the Chosen One.
  • Ordered companies to stop doing business in China
  • Called the head of the Fed an enemy
  • Called President Xi an enemy
  • Claimed China called him to renegotiate a trade deal, they deny it.
  • Announces the Flores agreement to hold unaccompanied minors for 21 days was no longer in effect and they would be held indefinitely
  • Tries to buy Greenland
  • Claims 100,000 deaths per year from Chinese fentanyl (closer to 14,000) and ordered UPS, Fedex and USPS to search all packages
  • Supported Background checks, then talked to the NRA.
  • Accuses Google of manipulating 16M votes in favor of Hillary
  • Cancels trip to Denmark because Obama coming later
  • Skipped the G7 meeting when climate was being discussed, claiming he had a meeting with Germany and India, except Modi and Merkel were at the G7 climate meeting.
  • Pushes for Russia to rejoin the G7
  • Claimed Melania was friends with Kim Jong Un (they hadn't met)
  • Claimed Diamond and Silk were great entertainers, great and loyal friends
  • Had Shell pay its employees to attend a campaign rally, likely an election law violation
  • FEC vice chairman resigns, effectively ending oversight of our election laws
  • Dismisses Japanese concerns that NK is firing short range missiles
  • Has aides get orphaned baby to pose with at El Paso hosiptal
  • Takes creepy photos with victims, hospital staff and families of deceased mass shooting victims
  • Denies there is an epidemic of mass shootings
  • Calls Democrats racist, and Hollywood too
  • Makes up story about Sherrod Brown and Mayor Whaley criticizing Trump 
  • Improves the Endangered Species Act by protecting less animals
  • Changed the rules for green card holders to be able to receive welfare type benefits
  • Continues to demand the Fed lower interest rates, a sign of a weakening economy
  • Accuses China of stealing billions of dollars from Americans
  • Claims he influenced the release of A$AP.

  • Tweets about how the media has lost credibility that day in November 2016 when he came down the escalator with the future First Lady (ironically lacks credibility since it took place in June 2015)
  • Tweeted he may stay in office another 14 years...hopefully joking, but who knows. 
  • Body shames Elizabeth Warren
  • Tweets Elizabeth Warren was 1000/24th Cherokee
  • While trying to demean Pete Buttigieg, Potus tags a retired teacher by accident.
  • Jeffrey Epstein
  • Tweets about how many banks wanted his business (only Deutche Bank did, and Justice Kennedy's son signed off on the loans, hmm)
  • Holds a parade in honor of himself on the 4th of July (it rains)
    • Denies that its raining while raindrops hit the plexiglass in front of him, and goes to blame the rain for shutting down his teleprompter
    • Conflates the Revolutionary War with the War of 1812 with references to ramparts
    • Claimed we had an Air Force for the Revolutionary (or perhaps 1812, who knows) War
      •  Our army manned the air, it rammed the ramparts, it took over the airports…
      •  “The Continental Army suffered a bitter winter of Valley Forge, found glory across the waters of the Delaware and seized victory from Cornwallis of Yorktown.” After an unintelligible reference to an army at the “ramparts,” he went on: “It took over the airports. It did everything it had to do. And at Fort McHenry, under the rockets’ red glare, it had nothing but victory. And when dawn came, their star-spangled banner waved defiant.” 
    • Drops tariffs on Chinese fireworks after company donates fireworks to this event 
    • Wants to plant a US flag on Mars
    • Will use Executive Order to circumvent courts decision not to have citizenship question on census 
  •  Tells the "Squad" to go back to their crime infested countries (3 of the 4 in the squad are from the US and are people of color)
  • Claims Rep Omar is sympathetic to Al-Queda 
  • Blamed Federal Reserve for slow down in GDP
  • USSC ruled that he could divert $2B or so of funds from the military to build the wall.
  • Threatens tariffs on French wine, saying that American wines taste better, but that he doesn't drink wine:  "I've always liked American wines better than French wines. Even though I don't drink wine. I just like they way they look. Ok? But the American wines are great"
  • Claims China lost 5 million jobs - this is not factual and impossible to verify. 
  • Calls Elijah Cummings a racist 
  • Claims there was no collusion, no obstruction for the millionth time.
  • Considers ANTIFA a terrorist organization (hasn't officially done this yet)
  • Calls Baltimore (actually Cumming's district which includes Baltimore) a a disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess. This of course leads to the revelation that Jared's properties in that area are in fact rat infested
  • Claims Mueller is testifying and became special counsel because Trump turned down his offer to be FBI head. Mueller had just retired.
  • Trump gives speech at turning point with a doctored Presidential Seal which has a Russian symbol and golf club in it.
  • Claims Article 2 of the Constitution gives him absolute power.

  • Wilbur Ross, Sec of Commerce in charge of the census, is called a liar by the Supreme Court. 

November 2017
President brags about a plane you can't see, even if you're right next to it. Its not the first or last time he claims the plane is invisible.

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