Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Trumps to do list

Trump was elected November 8, 2016.  What is posted below is in my estimation ambitious, but thats the type of man he is and leader we want.  Some of these seem bad, others good, but they are all sourced from his website, debates, tweets or interviews. Please feel free to suggest more in the comments section.  I'll mark them off as he achieves them. 

Updated  3-10-17
No discussion yet means no public statements or negotiations with Congress
No action means public statements made, but no action taken
In process means actions are being taken, but result not achieved yet

Updated 4/25
For legislation passed click Legislation passed.  Includes things like allowing mentally incapacitated people to purchase firearms legally, allowing pollution into streams and hunting hibernating bears.

Updated 5/4/18 - most actions have not been started or discussed.  Tax cuts were passed, but not nearly to the extent promised.  Moderate muslim ban is being decided by SCOTUS, but Muslims are still able to enter the country. Deportation and splitting of families remains a priority.  Debt to explode with the new budget. Syria is back and forth, in then out, then in then out with no coherent strategy other than to send some prewarned bombs once a year.

Updated 12/20  for NAFTA/USMCA, Syria and clean water changes
Updated 9/9/19 for coal, employment figures. 

For comparison of his 100 day contract, clickFirst 100 days contract results

(y,date or N)
Lock up Hillary Clinton
gave up 11/22
Build Wall along Mexican border
scaled back to fence; planning in process
Make Mexico pay for wall
discussed, congress with authorize and taxpayers will pay
Stop  all Muslims from entering country until we know whats going on
exec order; in process; shut down by courts; trying again; only banning citizens from countries that did not attack us
Deport all illegal immigrants and their families
in process, 10 to 11 million more to go
Triple the number of border agents  to 75k (e)
scaled back to 10,000
biometric entry-exit visa tracking system
no actions taken
End Birthright citizenship (14th amend)
announced executive order will do so
Make other countries take their citizens back
no discussion yet
Punish women who have abortions
no discussion yet
Six weeks of paid maternity leave
no discussion yet
Put childcare in the workplace
no discussion yet
Overturn Roe V Wade and return laws to states
no actions taken yet
Renegotiate our debt
no discussion yet
Grow economy annually from 5 to 6%
awaiting result, but nowhere close yet
Eliminate the debt within 8 years (f)
Bring 2.5M manufacturing jobs back (b)
discussing tariffs
485k more jobs than in 2017 
Eliminate the EPA and Dept Education, Commerce and Energy (g)
not happening, but budget hurt
Rescind all Obama job destroying executive orders
in process, not limited to job destruction
Unleash hundreds of years of coal reserves
no discussion yet
Stay independent of OPEC
no discussion yet
Create 500,000 energy jobs per year (2M by end of term) with $30B more in higher wages while reducing cost of energy.
no actions taken yet, no new energy jobs created.  Subsidies dropped.
Declare war on ISIS
announced victory and withdrawal from Syria
Eliminate ISIS in 30 days and take their oil
did not keep
Bomb oilfields
not yet
we must to do “the unthinkable” when it comes to prisoner interrogation
no actions taken yet
Kill families of terrorists
not yet
Send 20,000 to 30,000 troops to Syria
900 sent so far, announced complete withdrawal
Repeal Obamacare
failed, but hobbled it somewhat. GOP lost interest a year later
Pass  new healthcare plan ©
its very similar to ACA, did not pass
Nationalize right to carry
in Congress
Abandon NATO if dues not paid
negotiating dues, but not abandoning
Increase Army to 540,000 active soldiers  (d)
increased military personnel by 15,000 (f)
Audit Pentagon and get rid of unnecessary spending
no discussion yet

Provide 1200 fighter aircraft
92 aircraft (f)
Rebuild navy to 350 ships
no discussion yet
Bring back 90k coal jobs (a)
More coal plants closed during first 2 years than in 8 years of Obama.
Create 25 million jobs in next decade - this is an easily achievable 208k new jobs/month as years 2013-2016 averaged 213k new jobs/month. 
2017 average 171k  new jobs/month was lowest since 2010. First 4 months of 2018 the rate is 203k/mo.  2017 new jobs per fox
9/1/19  5.8M new jobs per BLS.  averaging 182M/month .
$20Billion to school choice
no discussion yet
Provide 12,000 in school choice tuition per student k-12
no discussion yet
Massive” tax deduction for middle class
mixed; mostly corporate and wealthy though, not massive for middle class
Capital Gains tax max of 20%
Carried interest treated as ordinary income
no discussion yet
Modify tax brackets to 12%;25%;33% and repeal alternative minimum tax
did not achieve
Cap itemized deductions at $200k
did not achieve
Reduce corporate tax to 15%, eliminate minimum alt tax, repatriate offshore taxes at 10%.
did not achieve, 21% corp rate; amt still exists
Withdraw from TPP
Obama doing so; Trump finalized
Renegotiate NAFTA
Tweaked a bit called it the USMCA
Label China as a currency manipulator and bring suits against them
not officially, no suits yet, started trade war instead
Make clean water a priority
Modernize Airports, reform FAA  and TSA
no discussion yet
No more long drives and backlogs for the VA
no discussion yet
Keep all plans deficit neutral "It will be deficit neutral," Trump said of his economic plan released in September.

Rip up anti nuclear agreement with Iran

Figure out difference between Hezbollah and Hamas. (courtesy TYT)

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